Preparing Global Leaders Institute (PGLI) is founded byGeorgetownUniversityprofessor Sam Potolicchio andMladiinfoGrantInfoCenterand tailored according to world elite summer programs, Preparing Global Leaders Institute will take place in one of the most sophisticated campuses in the region- SEEU, Tetovo,RepublicofMacedonia, from August 13-26, 2012.
Preparing Global Leaders Institute (PGLI) is created to train new generations for effective and ethical leadership, prepared to act as global leaders in addressing world’s problems.

The Institute emphasizes rigorous academic preparation and interactive learning. This experience helps participants to stimulate intellectual curiosity and build individual self-confidence and independence, while at the same time developing analytical and practical leadership and decision-making skills.
Participants learn through intensive engagement in classes, debates, simulations – all involving future national and international leaders from different countries, cultures, religions and races.
While our program is available for future leaders, our targets are, high school graduates, undergraduate and graduate students (young professionals) who show leadership potential.

These are the ones who will

be tomorrow’s leaders, both within their own countries and internationally.

What greater investment than a young mind that, with the right exposure, might become another Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Martin Luther King or someone who works anonymously for positive change in the communities across the globe?

We offer values clarification and new skills for competency at three levels: personal, interpersonal and global.

For more info visit our website: and get the

latest updates on the Institute by following us on


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